RMSC PAN No. - AAFCR2824M CIN No. - U24232RJ2011SGC035067
GST TAN -08JPRR06243G1D0
Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation Limited (RMSCL) was incorporated on 04th May, 2011 as Public Limited Company under The Companies Act, 1956. It is wholly owned Government Company. It has obtained Certificate of Commencement of Business on 13th June, 2011. RMSCL has been established as a centralized procurement agency for procuring generic medicines, surgical & sutures and medical equipments for the department of Medical, Health and Family welfare department, medical Education department and other departments. It was constituted in compliance of Hon’ble Chief Minister budget announcement for the year 2011-12 to provide commonly used essential medicines free of cost to all patients visiting Government healthcare institutions.