Procurement of Equipments

Sh.Sandeep Charan
Phone No - 9414612891
Email - edepmrmsc-rj@nic.in
The government of Rajasthan had constituted Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation Limited, Jaipur by passing a Cabinet Memo in March, 2011 with the objective to procure and manage the drugs & medicines and equipment & instruments at fair and reasonable prices for all the Govt. Medical Institutions. A cell for procurement & maintenance of equipment & instruments, medical and non-medical consumables & other hospital supplies established in RMSC, Jaipur under the overall supervision of Executive Director (EPM).
Organogram of EPM
Objectives :
The main objectives of EPM-Cell may be described as follows:
- To work as Central Procurement agency of the State for procurement of medical equipment & instruments and hospital supplies for entire health care set up of the state including Director Medical & Health Services, Family Welfare, Medical Education, Ayurveda , ESI, Homeopathy, Unani and Medical Relief Societies.
- Procurement and installation of medical equipment and instruments to the Government Medical Institution of the State.
- Finalisation of the rate contract every year for various frequently used surgical appliances, apparatus, instruments, non-medical consumables and implants etc. For direct procurement by the life line drug stores (L.L.D.S) of Government Medical Institutions.
- To provide support & maintenance services for medical and non-medical equipment, machinery and instruments in the medical institutions of the entire State of Rajasthan.
- To extend consultancy services on the procurement logistic systems and techniques to other state in India.
- Sale of fast moving medical and non-medical consumables to district drug ware houses in medical health care institutions of the state and others.
- To procure and operate CT Scan Centres, MRI Centres, Lithotripsy Centres, Testing Laboratories and Diagnostic Centres in the Medical Institutions of the state on user charges collection basis or on P. P. P. mode basis.
- To develop and improve the procurement and operation systems for new medical techniques and innovations especially in high tech medical equipment and apparatus on pilot basis.
- To adopt best procurement practices especially which are followed by GOI, WHO, UN, World Bank and other reputed institutions.
- To train and sensitize the procuring staff of medical institutions of the State about the procurement act and rules.
Technical Advisory Committee (T.A.C.) :
The T.A.C. has been constituted to advice on various technical issues regarding procurement and maintenance of medical equipment & instruments. T.A.C. had multi faculty members to revise the essential equipments list (EEL) from time to time.
Technical Committee (T.C.) :
The Corporation had formed a technical committee to prepare and examine the specifications of each and every item/article. This committee comprises members from the different specialities and expertise to advice on quality and performance standards to purchase committee of RMSC for making decisions. The broad guidelines for technical committee to design and frame technical specifications of each item are approved in 50th meeting of Board of Directors and issued for compliance to technical members. The BOD approved honorarium for visiting technical experts of technical committees as per recommendations of committee constituted under the chairmanship of M.D., RMSCL, Jaipur.
State Government has created RMSC to procure equipment and medicines for Department of Medical Health and Family Welfare, Medical Education, Ayurveda, ESI and Medical Relief Society etc. The State Level Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) in its meeting dated 21.12.2012 has approved the essential equipment (and instruments) list (EEL) for centralized procurement of equipments. The EEL comprises of almost all the important bio-medical equipment, instruments and other hospital items. The specialty wise list of equipment is compiled and grouped in two categories:-
Group –A include those equipment which require annual maintenance and repair.
Group –B include those instrument that do not require maintenance services.
The essential equipment list (EEL) of medical equipment and instruments for centralized purchase is also approved by Board of Directors of RMSC in meeting dated 21.12.2012. Equipment and instrument enlisted in EEL shall be procured through RMSC by executing rate contract and concerned departments are required to submit their likely annual demands to RMSC in prescribed format. The specialty wise details of approved EEL are available on website www.rmsc.nic.in.
Normally, RMSC will not purchase equipment beyond EEL. Other than EEL items are required to be purchased by the respective department according to their needs and budgetary provisions. The following purchasing levels have been approved by the board for different categories of items:-
1. RMSCL will centrally purchase Equipment and Instrument which are included in EEL and other items resolved by Board of Directors or as directed by the State Government.
2. The items which are available on DGS & D rate contract may be purchased by the RMSCL if the rate contract item matches the specification requirements. RMSCL may also purchase item of DGS & D rate contract for its own requirement.
3. Other than EEL item are decentralized for making purchase by the respective departments in accordance with their budgetary provision and requirements.
Looking to the wide technical sphere of equipment, instrument/items in various medical departments, and empanelment of subject specialists is done for Technical Committees (T.C.). It is an open secret that the technical specifications are always questioned by one or other ways. There is a wide range of variable of equipments available in the market. Moreover non-standardization of these variants by any statutory/legal body adds more to the complexity of problem. Therefore, Technical Committees are required to prepare, design and examine the technical specifications in a very specific manner and comment other technical issues of various equipment, instruments/other hospital items in a very specific need based procurement.
Therefore, it is proposed that technical committee shall follow the broad guidelines in designing and framing of technical specifications of equipments as given below:-
1. The main technical specifications/features/characters of equipment/machine/ item.
2. Guarantee period from the date of installation/delivery. (6 months, 1, 2 yrs. etc.)
3. USFDA/European CE/CE marking/CE/ISO/BIS/ISI certifications should be clear cut and well justified.
4. Mechanism of obtaining rates for Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC), for number of years after completion of guarantee period:
a. Percent on net rate: CMC shall be given @ percentage ………. of net rate (inclusive of Excise Duty & exclusive of VAT/CST etc.) plus service tax (as applicable) and yearly escalation of 5% on last year’s CMC price. The CMC may be awarded for five years or any no. of years (on yearly basis) after Guarantee period of 6 months, 1year, 2 years…etc. The percentage on net rate of equipment/instrument may vary from item to item depending on the serviceability period, nature and the usage of an equipment etc.
b. Rate in absolute amount in BOQ for No. of years: In this case, the bidder is required to submit the CMC rates in absolute amount in BOQ for no. of years specified. The Lowest bidder is determined by adding the annual average CMC rates of five years (or any no. of years) in net rate of the equipments. For example say the CMC rates for five years are Rs. 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000= Total Rs. 20000, i.e. Annual average CMC rate shall be Rs. 20000/5=4000/-. Thus Rs. 4000/- shall be added to net rate quoted by the bidder for determining Lowest bidder (L-1).
Ask for consumables with technical specifications for installation and 5.demonstration.
6. Ask for guarantee card, operating manual and brochure etc.
7. The mechanism for performance appraisal of equipment, any standard mechanism.
8. The technical specifications should not be tailor made and the endeavour should be to expand (increase) competition among the prospective bidders.
9. The Technical Committee shall also provide the prevailing market price of the item/product. As far as possible it should be, based on the personal knowledge, procurement of the same or similar item/product in the institution they are posted, and/or by exploring the market price of the item/product from the industry, the market price of the item/product should be indicated. In case the information relating to the price is of a similar item, the difference in the specifications may be detailed and accordingly the market price of the item/product in question be indicated.
10. As far as possible the technical specifications must also be environment-friendly.
11. Any specific information for a particular equipment/ item for quality assurance.
The technical committees through their HOD may be advised to follow the above broad guidelines. The agenda is submitted to Purchase committee for consideration and approval. The Purchase Committee considered the agenda and approved the guideline for Technical Committees in disposing off/ dealing off technical matters in procurement of equipments. The MD, RMSCL also suggested that the rates of frequently replaceable spare parts of the equipments shall also be obtained from the suppliers along with the rates of reagents and consumables.
The TAC members were apprised about the contents of guidelines in meeting held on 02.02.15. The agenda was considered and approved and TAC members were of the view that BOD shall also be apprised for seeking directions, if any, in this respect. Accordingly, the agenda item no. 18th was submitted for consideration and appropriate
directions in the 50th meeting of Board of Directors held on 04.03.2015. The Board considered the agenda. E.D.(EPM) apprised the contents of guidelines for the technical committee to design and frame the technical specifications of equipments, instruments and other hospital items. The Board peruses the same and directed that these guidelines/specifications must also be environment-friendly.
All the Head of Department are requested to direct their technical experts to follow the above guidelines in designing and framing of technical specifications for the procurement of equipments/instruments/ hospital items by RMSCL, Jaipur. These guidelines are issued vide office order no. F-8( ) RMSC/EPM/TAC/2014-15/0218 dated 17.4.2015.
(ii) Honorarium For Visiting Technical Experts:
There is a need for defining the role, responsibilities and constitution of Technical Committees looking to huge quantum of procurement in RMSCL. Therefore, agenda item no. 22 was placed in the 46th meeting of BODs dated 01.08.14 regarding the issues related with Technical Committee. The board discussed the agenda in detail. After detailed discussion, passed the following resolution:
"RESOLVED THAT a committee comprising of ED (F), ED (QC) and ED (EPM) under chairmanship of MD, RMSCL be constituted to decide the issue as detailed in agenda. Further MD, RMSCL is also authorized to constitute the technical committee for help/advice on technical issue as explained in agenda for procurement of equipments and other items."
The meeting of committee members on the issue of honorarium for visiting technical experts under the chairmanship of MD, RMSC was held in the chamber of MD, RMSC on 05.12.2014. The issues of technical committee difficulties regarding constitution, role & responsibilities of technical committee members were deliberated in details by ED, EPM. The background of technical work in respect of procurement of equipment apprised to members. As evident, the technical specifications & standardization of technical features is not available in case of medical devices as compared to medicines where all details are standardized in pharmacopeia. The procurement of medical equipment is all together different from procurement of drug and medicines as far as technical issues are concerned. Besides this, RMSCL is severely lacking in availability of technical expertise as almost all the posts are vacant. The requirement of technical support in equipment procurement is a day to day event. Therefore, looking to the importance and quantum of procurement there is a need for defining the constitution, role & responsibilities of technical committee. The deliberations & decisions of the committee are as follows:-
1. The committee considered the agenda in respect of constitution of T.C. and decided that the MD, RMSCL shall be assigned to constitute / re-constitute the T.C. as far as the specialists are serving to the State Govt. Similarly MD, RMSCL shall also be empowered to nominate a retired specialist of eminence from the government service. However, committee was in the view that in case of appointment of private practitioner as a T.C. member, it should be with the prior approval of Chairman, RMSCL.
2. The committee reviewed the rates of conveyance allowance to the specialist invited for the technical committee for the experts presently in service and non-service (retired) government servants. The committee felt that the rates are very low & impractical and needs to be revised.
The rate of honorarium to experts in HCM-RIPA (OTS) is 700/ for per 90 minutes and the rates for experts provided in SIHFW are categorised. There are 750/- and 1000/- for 90 minutes for SIHFW & NIHFW, respectively. These rates are up to 2500/- per 90 minutes for special visitor from UNICEF, UNFPA & save the children & other development partners. Besides this, conveyance and stay arrangements are provided by SIHFW for resource person from outside Jaipur as per actual.The copies of orders are placed for perusal of committee members.
The committee decided that honorarium of 1000/- shall be paid to the experts and retired government servants. The RMSCL vehicle for in service govt. officers will be provided for the local conveyance free of cost. The non-serving experts shall also be paid same rates.
3. Due to any exigency of requirement or in extra ordinary cases if the technical expertise of private practitioner / expert from any profession requires, the committee is of the view that same rates may also be paid to these experts.
The Board of Directors are requested to consider the above recommendations of committee in 50th meeting held on 04.03.2015 for approval. The board approved the agenda item no. 19 regarding honorarium for visiting technical experts invited for the technical committee as per recommendations of committee constituted under the chairmanship of M.D., RMSCL, Jaipur.
This order shall be effective from 01.04.2015. These guidelines are issued vide office order no. F-8( ) RMSC/EPM/TAC/2014-15/0217 dated 17.4.2015.
The Equipment & Instruments (E&I) Catalogue :
The procurement requirement trends and demands by the medical institutions provides basis for cataloguing of basic important equipment & instruments. However, this catalogue is a flexible and metamorphic entity. The non-catalogued items, as and when required, may also be procured by the Corporation. Presently, approximately 600 equipment & instruments are catalogued.
The Essential Equipments List (Eel) :
The Corporation has prepared essential equipments list taking into consideration the need of the medical institutions of the state. These equipments and instruments are included in the list after approval by the T.A.C. of the state. (Annexure-A)
Further detail may also be inquired from EPM -Cell of RMSC or queries may be e-mailed at edepmrmsc-rj@nic.in
Speciality wise Essential Equipment List (EEL)
(Click on below given text to open)
Sr. No. |
Code No. |
Sec. |
Specialty |
No. of Item |
1 |
A |
76 |
2 |
B |
55 |
3 |
C |
66 |
4 |
D |
44 |
5 |
E |
130 |
6 |
F |
61 |
7 |
G |
33 |
8 |
H |
52 |
9 |
I |
30 |
10 |
J |
46 |
11 |
K |
13 |
12 |
L |
78 |
13 |
M |
21 |
Total |
705 |
Purchase Committee :-
The purchase committee of Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation is formed for approval of rates of drugs, medicines, sutures, surgical, medical equipment & instruments, other hospital supplies and considering and deciding purchase issues.
The following is the structure of the Purchase Committee:-
1. MD RMSC - Chairman
2. Director (P.H.) - Member
3. Special Secretary/Joint Secretary,
Medical Education or his representative
not below the rank of addl. Principal or
HOD of any discipline from the medical college - Member
4. Director (AIDS)/PD, MNJY - Member
5. E.D. [Finance] RMSC - Member
6.Bio Medical Engineer (P) - Member
7. E.D. [EPM] RMSC - Member Secy.
The representative of Industry Department shall be the member of Purchase Committee with reference to Finance Department Order No.i-1(1) Fin/2007 dated 17.06.2011 circular no 13/2011- The services of experts as provided in GF&AR Part II rule 50, require from different section/fields. Looking to the wide and different area of purchase the following may be the special invitees on, as and when necessity basis:
Special invitees for purchase committee may be :-
1. Director RCH/MSU/AIDS/IEC
2. Senior Manager [EPM]
3. Nominated representative of MD NRHM.
4.Representative from Industries department
5. Executive Engineer (Mechanical/Civil)/CCO Medical& Health.
6. Subject Specialist of concerned section.
7. Biomedical Engineer /Environment Engineer.
8. Any other expert, if required, for advice on any specific item.
Procurement & Post- Agreement Mechanism :
The procurement of equipment, instruments, medical and non-medical consumables and other hospital supplies shall be made through open bidding process. The provisions of Rajasthan Transparency in Procurement Act, 2012 and Rajasthan Public Procurement Rules under the guidance of Board of Directors shall be followed.
Comprehensive Maintenance Agreement shall also be executed with the firms as described in tender document. All the principles and ethics of financial proprietary will be maintained up to the possible highest standards.